OS1 - Echosounder in Olex

Olex introduces OS1 - our own echosounder. The OS1, connected to an Olex or Lino, and a transducer, provides an echosounder with a unique twist. An adjustable echogram on the Olex screen, shows the fish, and bottom just like a traditional sounder. In addition, Olex remembers every ping and creates a map of where the fish has been so that you can predict where it will be in the future. Olex need a new software version, but no additional software key is required.
- Max transmitter power : 1kW.
- Range of frequency: 40 to 210 kHz.
- CW and Chirp.
- Shows fish detections for all years.
- See the OS1 installation manual for more product specifications.
Fish mapping
The new functions for fish mapping provides a unique insight into how the fish migrate and how they move between seasons.
The historical fish detections, combined with self-measured seabed maps, let the fisherman discover and research on how bottom details tend to attract fish, or not.

- Use existing transducer, or mount a new one.
- OS1 runs limited Chirp on selected Simrad transducers. Eg 34-42kHz on Simrad 38-200 Combi C.
- Can use transducers from Airmar, Echonautics, Radarsonic. Check the list of compatible transducers her.
- Download diagrams for connecting various transducers: Airmar SS260, Radarsonics 707, Simrad Combi C 38/200.